Making an animation of the recent CoD WaW minigame where you fight endless waves of undead SS and Wehrmacht. Will involve the game's basic layout, both map-wise and gameplaywise, and with a bit of a story twist to it. 'Til then, piccy...
*UPDATE* The animation will have two parts. One about the first encounter on the map "Nacht der Untoten" und ein an "Verrückt". Warten. Das ist auf Duetsch! Was das Bumsen! Das ist Scheiße!
holy pork pie scoffing.
so is this a game or an animation then????
you are flipping ECXELLENT at drawing those guns man. and i watched your chinese flash aswell... you are getting better and better. and YOU designed that room? it has a Madness quality to it. but it is absolutely excellent. believe it or not, i know you are a better artist than me. i cant draw a room like that. Ace man. YAYNESS, cant wait to see it:D:D:D
Honestly, I traced most of it but it still took like five hours total just for the pic. But yeah, this is what it should look like thoughout the animation.
Oh yeah, its an animation!!!